Appetizers Chickpea balls These chickpea balls are perfect to serve as a unique and flavorful appetizer. Just a few ingredients for tasty balls with a melting heart! Easy 50 min Kcal 759 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Onion frittata Onion frittata is a classic vegetarian main course of homemade cuisine, as well as an easy and quick dinner saver! Discover the recipe. Easy 30 min Kcal 179 READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Panettone with brewer's yeast Panettone is the classic Christmas cake of Milan, famous all over the world. Homemade panettone is simpler than you might think, so let's… Difficult 2 h 20 min READ RECIPE
Main Courses Agnolotti Agnolotti are one of the traditional dishes of Piedmontese cuisine and are known and appreciated abroad as well as in Italy for their deliciousness Average 3 h 35 min Kcal 732 READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Chocolate magic cake Chocolate magic cake is the chocolate version of the classic magic cake: with just one batter, you'll get 3 delicious layers of different textures! Easy 2 h READ RECIPE
Desserts Chocolate tiramisù Ernst Knam's tiramisu, a delicious mascarpone cream with dark chocolate and salted caramel embraced by homemade ladyfingers! Average 1 h 19 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Chocolate and Orange Crumble Cake The chocolate and orange crumble cake is a delicious cake made with crumbled shortcrust pastry and a soft cream filling. Discover the recipe! Average 1 h 35 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Yummy gluten-free chocolate cake The yummy gluten-free chocolate cake is a delicious dessert, gluten-free, with a rich coating based on ganache and toasted almonds! Easy 1 h 30 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Amor Polenta (Polenta sponge cake) Amor polenta (polenta sponge cake) is a quick and easy corn flour dessert from the area of Varese, which is prepared in the typical grooved mold. Easy 1 h 20 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Christmas Croquembouche The Croquembouche is a typically French dessert: an alternative idea for the Christmas holidays! A tower of filled and caramelized cream… Difficult 3 h Kcal 481 READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Spoke pattern apple cake The spoke apple cake is a classic dessert, ideal for a delicious snack, with slices of apple arranged in rays and a soft vanilla dough. Easy 1 h 10 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Nutella swirls Nutella swirls is the perfect and delicious snack, with an irresistible whirlwind of double-flavored biscuit dough and delicious hazelnut cream. Average 1 h 5 min Kcal 239 READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Fluffy Pancakes Fluffy pancakes, also known as Japanese pancakes, are thick and soft, perfect for breakfast or brunch! Discover doses and recipe. Average 35 min Kcal 272 READ RECIPE
Salads Niçoise Salad Niçoise salad, or salade niçoise, is a fresh and colorful dish typical of the French Riviera, with hard-boiled eggs and raw vegetables. Try… Very easy 27 min Kcal 319 READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Strawberry cake Strawberry cake is a soft and fragrant dessert highlighting strawberries and cream. Strawberry puree is also used to flavor the cake mixture! Easy 1 h 15 min Kcal 488 READ RECIPE