Appetizers Artichoke balls with a cheesy heart The artichoke meatballs with a cheesy heart are delicious finger food, to be served as an appetizer, which contain a tasty heart of Montasio. Easy 1 h 5 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Gluten-free coconut cookies The gluten-free coconut cookies are sweets prepared only with three ingredients. Easy and quick to prepare. Get ready to prepare some goodness… Easy 20 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Chiacchiere (Sweet fried dough) Chiacchiere (sweet fried dough) are crunchy and delicate pastries typically served during Carnival, made by kneading a simple dough, frying… Easy 1 h 20 min Kcal 116 READ RECIPE
Appetizers Baked Potato Balls Baked potato balls are a lighter alternative to the fried ones: soft and appetizing, they are perfect to enjoy as an appetizer! Easy 1 h 10 min Kcal 445 READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Salted Caramel Cake The salted caramel cake is a delicious almond shortcrust pastry tart, a sweet filling enriched with peanuts and marzipan. Discover the recipe! Average 1 h 30 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Pandoro Homemade pandoro is a great Christmas classic, sweet and soft to sprinkle with icing sugar. Discover doses and recipe to make it! Very difficult 2 h 30 min READ RECIPE
Main Courses Ravioli stuffed with potatoes and shrimp Ravioli stuffed with potatoes and shrimp with a hint of mint is a refined first course for special occasion seafood menus. Average 1 h 25 min Kcal 345 READ RECIPE
Desserts Chocolate lava cake Chocolate lava cake is a quick and easy dessert prepared in single portions, a delicious indulgence with a soft and creamy core. Easy 30 min Kcal 548 READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Gluten-free Christmas cookies The gluten-free Christmas cookies are made with a shortcrust pastry prepared with cornmeal and rice flour, perfect for decorating as desired! Easy 4 min READ RECIPE
Desserts Chocolate Fondant The chocolate fondant is a chocolate cake with a molten heart, easy and quick to prepare. Discover the recipe for this delicious dessert! Easy 30 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Delicious Carnival Chiacchiere Delicious Carnival chiacchiere are timeless fried sweets, essential at party buffets. Discover how to prepare the recipe. Average 1 h 45 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Double chocolate ginger cookies The Best is not enough when describing these Double Chocolate Ginger cookies: decadent, luscious, addictive. Bake some today and taste the difference! Very easy 1 h 10 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Carnival Chiacchiere: fried, baked and filled Carnival Chiacchiere with just one dough: get fried, baked, and filled chiacchiere! Find out how to make them and choose your favorite cooking method! Easy 1 h 45 min Kcal 486 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Rigatoni pie Rigatoni pie is a rich, tasty, and flavorful first course: dry pasta cooked with salami, cheese, and boiled eggs, made crispy in the oven! Easy 1 h 30 min Kcal 902 READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Strawberry Crumb Cake The strawberry crumb cake is a delicious spring dessert: a crumbly shell holds a tasty filling. The perfect snack for both adults and children! Easy 55 min READ RECIPE