Pizzas and Focaccia Fried pizza with ricotta and cicoli Fried pizza with ricotta and cicoli is a great classic of Neapolitan cuisine: discover how to prepare this appetizing recipe with your own hands! Average 1 h 8 min READ RECIPE
Pizzas and Focaccia Roman White Pizza (Pizza Bianca) The Roman white pizza can be enjoyed plain or stuffed with mortadella, the 'mortazza'! Discover how to make it at home with our tips and measurements! Difficult 1 h 10 min READ RECIPE
Pizzas and Focaccia Devil's pizza The pizza with pepper cream and spianata is a delicious homemade leavened dough filled with genuine and flavorful ingredients. Discover the… Average 1 h 20 min READ RECIPE
Pizzas and Focaccia Pizza dough The pizza dough is a basic preparation made with flour, water, yeast, oil and salt from which you can obtain various types of pizza. Easy 30 min READ RECIPE
Appetizers Gnocco fritto (Fried dough) The gnocco fritto (fried dough) is a recipe from the region of Emilia. It is prepared with a mixture of flour, water, lard, and milk. The… Difficult 1 h 2 min Kcal 324 READ RECIPE
Pizzas and Focaccia Pizza doughnuts Pizza donuts are delicious and appetizing bites, easy and quick to make, topped with tomato and stringy mozzarella! Easy 40 min Kcal 361 READ RECIPE
Pizzas and Focaccia Stuffed pizza roll Stuffed pizza roll is a different way to enjoy pizza. A roll of dough hiding a deliciously tasty and stringy filling! Easy 1 h 10 min Kcal 432 READ RECIPE
Pizzas and Focaccia Thick and soft tray-baked pizza The thick and soft tray-baked pizza is a truly amazing homemade yeast-leavened dish. Topped with tomato and mozzarella, it's sure to please everyone. Easy 1 h 30 min READ RECIPE
Pizzas and Focaccia Pizza with Salami and Olives Pizza with salami and olives is a truly flavorful variation. A tasty way to enrich the margherita pizza, discover how to prepare it at home. Average 45 min READ RECIPE
Pizzas and Focaccia Angelica brioche with zucchini Angelica with zucchini is a very tasty leavened brioche with an original shape. Perfect as a centerpiece for an aperitif! Difficult 2 h Kcal 764 READ RECIPE
Pizzas and Focaccia Pizza marinara The marinara pizza is a very light pizza: topped with tomato sauce, oil, garlic, and oregano. It's one of the simplest ways to make pizza! Easy 45 min Kcal 1083 READ RECIPE
Pizzas and Focaccia Neapolitan panuozzo Panuozzo napoletano, typical of Gragnano, is a ciabatta-shaped pizza bread that you can easily make at home and stuff as you like! Average 1 h 5 min READ RECIPE
Pizzas and Focaccia Stuffed Calzone The stuffed calzone is a homemade treat with a winter filling of gorgonzola and radicchio. Discover the doses and procedure to prepare this recipe. Average 45 min READ RECIPE
Main Courses Fried pizza with mortadella and fior di latte cheese Fried pizza with mortadella and fiordilatte cheese is a typical Neapolitan street food. This warm, fragrant dish with melted cheese is a real treat! Difficult 45 min READ RECIPE
Pizzas and Focaccia Parigina Discover the Parigina: A Hearty Neapolitan Pizza filled with Tomato, Cheese, and Ham, Topped with a Fragrant Puff Pastry - Get the Recipe and… Average 1 h 15 min READ RECIPE