Main Courses Vegetarian Carbonara Vegetarian carbonara is an egg-free and meat-free variant of the classic first course: discover this delicious recipe with tofu and bell pepper cream! Easy 2 h READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Cupcake killer Cupcake killer are delicious single-serving treats ideal for Halloween: they are topped with a mascarpone cream and fake glass shards. Average 60 min READ RECIPE
Main Courses Avocado basil pesto pasta Avocado basil pesto pasta, light and tasty, without heavy cream, rich in avocado, basil, pine nuts, garlic, olive oil. Quick and easy to prepare! Very easy 20 min READ RECIPE
Main Courses Gorgonzola and Radicchio Crepes Gorgonzola and radicchio crepes are a tasty and hearty first course whose filling is prepared with a delicious gorgonzola cream with radicchio. Easy 50 min Kcal 347 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Lasagna with Winter Vegetables Lasagna with winter vegetables: a rich first course filled with broccoli, chard, dried mushrooms, and a soft pumpkin and crescenza cheese… Easy 1 h 10 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Baci panteschi Baci Panteschi are typical Sicilian sweets from the island of Pantelleria: delicious fritters filled with a cinnamon-scented ricotta cream! Average 45 min READ RECIPE