Desserts Pomegranate Jam Pomegranate jam is a tasty preserve to prepare during the winter season, along with lemon marmalade and orange marmalade! Average 2 h Kcal 64 READ RECIPE
Appetizers Onions in oil The onions in oil are a tasty homemade preserve to serve as an appetizer, they are also great for enriching many different recipes! Average 30 min READ RECIPE
Appetizers Eggplants in oil Eggplants in oil, a homemade preserve to enjoy eggplants all year round, as an appetizer. Discover the doses and procedure to make them! Average 40 min READ RECIPE
Side Dishes Peppers in Oil Peppers in oil are a homemade preserve. They are excellent as an appetizer, side dish, or on bruschetta! Discover the procedure and doses to… Average 30 min READ RECIPE
Desserts Apricot Jam Apricot jam is a preserve made with one of the fruits of the summer season, ideal on toasted bread or for filling delicious desserts. Easy 50 min READ RECIPE
Spiced Apple Compote Spiced apple compote is a preserve made by cooking apples with sugar and spices. Enjoy with desserts, cheeses, or meat dishes. Easy 40 min Kcal 35 READ RECIPE
Side Dishes Pumpkin in oil Pumpkin in oil is perfect for preparing in the autumn. A preserve you'll be able to enjoy for the rest of the year, a side dish for serving… Average 2 h 30 min READ RECIPE