Appetizers Pea hummus Pea hummus is a delicious and colorful reinterpretation of the traditional chickpea-based recipe: try it, it's super tasty! Easy 23 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Fluffy Pancakes Fluffy pancakes, also known as Japanese pancakes, are thick and soft, perfect for breakfast or brunch! Discover doses and recipe. Average 35 min Kcal 272 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Zucchini Velouté Zucchini velouté is a cold soup perfect for spring, full of color and flavor thanks to this versatile vegetable! Discover the recipe! Easy 1 h 5 min Kcal 271 READ RECIPE
Desserts Traditional Tiramisu The traditional tiramisu is made in a pan with classic ingredients: eggs, mascarpone, coffee, and ladyfingers. Here's how to prepare it at home! Easy 35 min Kcal 621 READ RECIPE
Desserts Tiramisu with Pasteurized Eggs Tiramisu with pasteurized eggs is an alternative to the version with raw eggs. A creamy dessert made with ladyfingers, mascarpone, and coffee! Easy 50 min Kcal 732 READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Salted Caramel Cheesecake The salted caramel cheesecake is a sublime dessert. Contrasts and balances of flavors make it unique and ideal for any occasion: discover the recipe! Average 1 h 50 min Kcal 816 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Mushroom Risotto Mushroom lovers, dive into a creamy mushroom risotto by following step by step the recipe of Chef Fabio Abbattista. Easy 1 h 10 min Kcal 488 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Vegetable purée Vegetable soup is a wholesome and healthy dish, a perfect winter comfort food. A way to get children to eat vegetables Very easy 1 h 10 min Kcal 462 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Porcini Mushroom Velouté The porcini mushroom velouté is a tasty autumn first course, prepared with fresh porcini mushrooms. A delight with the addition of croutons! Easy 1 h 10 min Kcal 240 READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Mini monster pancakes Mini monster pancakes are delicious treats perfect for Halloween! Discover the doses and procedure to prepare this recipe at home. Easy 45 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Christmas Tree Cake The Christmas tree cake is a splendid holiday cake whose batter contains almonds, hazelnuts, and no flour, but breadcrumbs. Average 2 h READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Chocolate and Walnut Cake The chocolate and walnut cake is a delicious dessert with a soft texture, orange aroma, and a rich chocolate ganache cream topping. Easy 1 h 10 min Kcal 736 READ RECIPE
Sauces Lentil Ragù Lentil ragù is an excellent alternative to the classic meat recipe for dressing a main dish when you have vegan guests for dinner! Easy 1 h 25 min Kcal 363 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Barley and Broccoli Salad The barley and broccoli salad is a wholesome dish with tantalizing flavors, perfect for those who want to eat healthy but with taste! Easy 40 min Kcal 352 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Green gnocchetti with gorgonzola The green gnocchetti with gorgonzola are delicious spinach gnocchi dressed with one of the most beloved blue cheeses of all time, without cream! Easy 1 h 50 min READ RECIPE