Appetizers Quick savory panettone The quick savory panettone is a veggie appetizer for Christmas parties, with a bright green color obtained naturally! Find out here how to make it! Easy 1 h 40 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Gluten-Free Tart The gluten-free tart is a dessert made with a mix of gluten-free flours, ideal for those with dietary needs and intolerances! Easy 45 min Kcal 421 READ RECIPE
Desserts Homemade Mascarpone Homemade mascarpone is simple to make. Just a few ingredients and you'll see how to make homemade mascarpone: here is the step-by-step recipe! Easy 30 min Kcal 286 READ RECIPE
Pizzas and Focaccia Pizza marinara The marinara pizza is a very light pizza: topped with tomato sauce, oil, garlic, and oregano. It's one of the simplest ways to make pizza! Easy 45 min Kcal 1083 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Lasagna with Winter Vegetables Lasagna with winter vegetables: a rich first course filled with broccoli, chard, dried mushrooms, and a soft pumpkin and crescenza cheese… Easy 1 h 10 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Chocolate and Orange Crumble Cake The chocolate and orange crumble cake is a delicious cake made with crumbled shortcrust pastry and a soft cream filling. Discover the recipe! Average 1 h 35 min READ RECIPE
Main Courses Creamy garlic, oil, and chili pasta Creamy garlic, oil, and chili pasta is a version enriched with fresh cheese of the classic recipe, easy and quick to prepare! Very easy 22 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Tuscan chestnut cake (Castagnaccio) Discover the authentic recipe for Castagnaccio, a traditional Tuscan chestnut cake made with chestnut flour, olive oil, pine nuts, raisins,… Easy 45 min Kcal 432 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Ricotta and spinach ravioli with butter and sage Ricotta and spinach ravioli with butter and sage: a classic Italian Sunday first course, perfect for any occasion. An easy recipe that will… Average 1 h 10 min Kcal 428 READ RECIPE
Desserts Eggless tiramisù Tiramisù without eggs is a reinterpretation of the classic tiramisù prepared with cream and mascarpone. Discover doses, procedures and tips! Very easy 20 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Lemon delights The lemon delights are famous sweets of Campania origin formed by a soft sponge cake dome and a tasty Amalfi lemon cream! Very difficult 2 h 30 min Kcal 964 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Spatzle Spatzle is a typical Southern Germany, but also in the sudtirol region of Italy. It is an irregularly shaped kind of pasta made from soft… Easy 15 min Kcal 386 READ RECIPE
Desserts Soft coffee and chocolate nougat The soft coffee and chocolate nougat is a delicious variant of the typical dessert consumed during the commemoration of the dead, an Italian… Average 1 h 10 min Kcal 752 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Fettuccine Alfredo Authentic Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe: quick & easy Italian-American classic with only butter & Parmigiano Reggiano. Discover the secrets for a… Average 35 min READ RECIPE
Side Dishes Sweet and sour baby onions Sweet and sour baby onions are excellent to be enjoyed warm or cold as a side dish or appetizer. Discover the recipe and get ready to prepare them! Very easy 45 min READ RECIPE