Main Courses Shrimp Risotto Shrimp risotto is a delicious first course, cooked with a flavorful broth that enhances its taste. Discover the quantities and procedure. 4.6 Easy 1 h 40 min READ RECIPE
Main Courses Speck, radicchio, and caciocavallo risotto Speck, radicchio and caciocavallo risotto is an excellent first course that sees the combination of tasty ingredients: meat, vegetables and cheese. 4.4 Easy 45 min Kcal 779 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Stuffed Bell Peppers with Rice Stuffed bell peppers with rice are a succulent dish from days gone by, to share with the whole family! 4.0 Very easy 1 h 25 min Kcal 830 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Tomato Risotto Tomato risotto is a classic, tasty, and quick-to-make dish, loved by children and adults alike. Discover the recipe! 4.5 Easy 32 min Kcal 550 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Truffle Risotto Truffle risotto is a refined first course: a creamy base of Parmesan risotto enriched with the prized variety of white truffle. 4.2 Easy 28 min Kcal 494 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Turkey shanks with risotto Turkey shanks with risotto are a rich and substantial single dish inspired by the traditional Milanese dish. 4.9 Average 1 h 45 min READ RECIPE
Main Courses Zucchini and scamorza risotto Zucchini and scamorza risotto is a spring first course with a strong flavor, ideal to share with both family and friends! 4.1 Very easy 25 min Kcal 424 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Zucchini risotto Zucchini risotto is a simple first course that's perfect for spring menus, and it can be made especially creamy by stirring in cheese and butter. 4.4 Very easy 35 min Kcal 520 READ RECIPE