Appetizers Cauliflower Meatballs Cauliflower meatballs are a fried appetizer, small bites perfect to serve for an aperitif or to enrich a buffet! 3.8 Easy 1 h 25 min Kcal 110 READ RECIPE
Appetizers Cheese Balls Cheese balls are a delicious fried appetizer made with a mix of melting cheeses. Discover the ingredients and procedure for this recipe! 4.1 Easy 40 min Kcal 490.6 READ RECIPE
Appetizers Cheesy potato and zucchini balls Cheesy potato and zucchini balls are a delicious finger food appetizer, with a soft and tasty heart. To be enjoyed in one bite! 4.2 Easy 1 h 10 min Kcal 131 READ RECIPE
Appetizers Cheesy potato croquettes Le crocchette di patate con cuore filante sono degli sfiziosi antipasti fritti. Scopri qui dosi e procedimento per preparare questa gustosa ricetta! 4.5 Average 1 h 35 min Kcal 291 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Cheesy rice-stuffed eggplant Cheesy rice-stuffed eggplants is a perfect first course for a Sunday family lunch. 4.4 Easy 60 min Kcal 891 READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Chiacchiere (Sweet fried dough) Chiacchiere (sweet fried dough) are crunchy and delicate pastries typically served during Carnival, made by kneading a simple dough, frying… 4.1 Easy 1 h 20 min Kcal 116 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Chicken in Sweet and Sour Sauce Chicken in sweet and sour sauce is a typical Chinese meat main course, enriched with bell peppers and pineapple: discover the quantities and recipe! 4.1 Easy 60 min READ RECIPE
Appetizers Chicken Nuggets Chicken nuggets are crispy and golden chicken croquettes, a must-have in fast food! Discover the recipe to make them at home. 4.2 Easy 1 h 10 min READ RECIPE
Appetizers Chickpea balls These chickpea balls are perfect to serve as a unique and flavorful appetizer. Just a few ingredients for tasty balls with a melting heart! 4.1 Easy 50 min Kcal 758.6 READ RECIPE
Appetizers Chickpea Falafel Falafel are spiced chickpea patties, typical of Middle Eastern cuisine. A great vegetarian alternative to kebab! 4.1 Easy 50 min Kcal 895 READ RECIPE
Appetizers Chickpea nuggets Chickpea nuggets are spicy tasting pulse croquets: a simple and delicious vegetarian idea for serving with drinks! Discover amounts and the recipe. 4.1 Easy 60 min READ RECIPE
Appetizers Chinese Spring Rolls Spring rolls are a classic Chinese dish filled with vegetables. Discover the quantities and tips to prepare them at home as well! 4.4 Easy 50 min Kcal 450.5 READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Chocolate Castagnole Chocolate castagnole are fried Carnival sweets. A delicious variation of the typical filled castagnole. Discover how to prepare the recipe 4.2 Average 30 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Cicerchiata Cicerchiata is a traditional Carnival dessert, similar to struffoli: fried dough balls covered with honey and almonds! Discover the recipe 4.5 Easy 1 h 10 min READ RECIPE
Main Courses Coconut shrimps Coconut shrimps is a delicious second course, ideal for bringing one of the most loved crustaceans to the table in an original, tasty and crunchy way! 4.7 Easy 30 min READ RECIPE