Cakes & Baking Chocolate pie cake Chocolate pie cakes are soft and delicious little cakes filled with ganache, covered with chocolate and nuts... an irresistible recipe! 4.8 Average 1 h 35 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Chocolate, pear and walnut cake Chocolate, pear and walnut cake is a soft dessert enriched with fresh fruit and nuts, a delicious recipe for a snack or breakfast! 4.0 Easy 1 h 30 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Clementine sponge cake Clementine sponge cake, like orange and lemon sponge cake, is a soft and fragrant dessert ideal for breakfast or a sweet snack in winter! 4.2 Easy 1 h 25 min READ RECIPE
Sauces Cocktail Sauce Cocktail sauce, also known as pink sauce, is a tasty sauce made from mayonnaise and ketchup, suitable for accompanying fish dishes and appetizers. 4.4 Easy 25 min Kcal 299.3 READ RECIPE
Main Courses Coconut shrimps Coconut shrimps is a delicious second course, ideal for bringing one of the most loved crustaceans to the table in an original, tasty and crunchy way! 4.7 Easy 30 min READ RECIPE
Appetizers Corn fritters Corn fritters are delicious finger food, very quick to prepare, perfect for a lunch with friends as a tasty appetizer! 4.3 Very easy 25 min READ RECIPE
Appetizers Empanadas with Gorgonzola and Leeks Empanadas with Gorgonzola and leeks are a delicious cheese variant of the typical South American empanadas. Discover the quantities, recipe, and tips! 4.9 Average 2 h Kcal 200 READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Florentine stuffed schiacciata The Florentine stuffed schiacciata is the filled and simplified version of the traditional Tuscan dish, typical for Carnival. Find out how to make it! 4.6 Average 60 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Fluffy pancake Fluffy pancake is perfect for a healthy breakfast; it is taller and softer than traditional pancakes. It is made with egg whites! Discover how… 4.4 Easy 30 min READ RECIPE
Appetizers Four Cheese Rice Croquettes The four cheese rice croquettes are made with a rich cheese risotto and a creamy saffron-based filling. Discover doses and recipe! 5.0 Easy 55 min READ RECIPE
Appetizers Fried mussels Fried mussels is a typical Apulian appetizer, a delicious variant, perfect to prepare in the summer for a fish-based dinner! 4.3 Average 30 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Gluten-free Apple and Pecan Plumcake The gluten-free apple and pecan plumcake is a perfect breakfast dessert, tasty and also suitable for those following a gluten-free diet 3.5 Easy 1 h 15 min READ RECIPE
Cakes & Baking Grandma's Cookies Grandma's cookies are breakfast shortbread cookies, perfect for dipping in milk or tea to start the day in the most delicious way! 4.1 Average 40 min Kcal 225 READ RECIPE
Appetizers Insalata russa (Italian-style coleslaw) Insalata russa (Italian-style coleslaw) is a classic party starter: try our version made with carrots, peas, potatoes, eggs, and mayonnaise! 4.1 Easy 50 min READ RECIPE
Main Courses Italian tuna sandwich Italian tuna sandwich is the best tuna sandwich ever. Tasty yet healthy and quick, flavored with basil pesto and basil mayonnaise... check it out! Very easy 25 min READ RECIPE