Chinese Spring Rolls



In the past, they were mainly prepared for the Chinese New Year, which according to the traditional calendar coincides with the beginning of spring... hence their name: spring rolls! There are many variations of this typical Chinese appetizer: Chef Mulan has chosen to bring to GialloZafferano kitchens the vegetarian version filled with napa cabbage, onion, and carrots, but you can also add soybean sprouts or chicken or pork meat, for example. Using ready-made wrappers, you'll see that making spring rolls with your hands will be a piece of cake! Serve them hot with spicy or sweet and sour sauce and continue the evening choosing from the most beloved recipes of Chinese cuisine:

And to conclude, of course... fried ice cream!


For 8 spring rolls
Spring roll wrappers 8 fogli
Cabbage 0.65 lb (300 g) - ("Napa" quality)
Carrots 2.1 oz (60 g)
White onions 1.8 oz (50 g)
Rice wine 30 g (30 g)
Peanut seed oil to taste
Fine salt to taste
White pepper to taste
For brushing
Egg whites to taste
For frying
Peanut seed oil to taste

How to prepare Chinese Spring Rolls

To prepare spring rolls, first thaw the ready-made wrappers and cover them with a damp cloth to prevent drying. Clean and thinly slice the napa cabbage 1, onions 2, and carrots 3.

Heat the wok over high heat, then pour the oil and onions 4. Sauté for a couple of minutes, then add the carrots and napa cabbage 5. Season with salt and pepper 6.

Add the rice wine 7 as well and stir-fry the vegetables for 4-5 minutes: they should be cooked but still crunchy 8. Transfer the vegetables to a colander to drain off the excess liquid, then spread them out a bit with chopsticks to better preserve their color and texture 9.

Now you can assemble the rolls: place a wrapper on the cloth with a corner facing you and add a handful of filling to the lower half 10. Fold the lower corner upwards and roll up without pressing to cover the filling 11, then fold the side corners towards the center 12.

Finally, roll the wrap from the bottom upwards 13 and seal the edges by moistening them with a bit of egg white 14, you can use your fingers or a brush. Do not press too hard or the wrapper may break. Proceed in this manner to form all the rolls 15.

Now reheat the wok, then pour in plenty of oil 16 to reach 355°F. When the oil is at the right temperature, lower the heat slightly and fry a few rolls at a time 17, turning them on both sides 18.

Once they are nicely golden brown on both sides, drain the rolls 19 and place them on kitchen paper to soak up excess oil 20. Serve your spring rolls still hot with spicy or sweet and sour sauce 21!

How to store

It is recommended to consume the spring rolls as soon as they are ready; alternatively, they can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of one day.

Freezing is not recommended.


The wrappers for the rolls can easily be found online or in ethnic grocery stores.

Alternatively, you can try making the batter: mix in a bowl 4.4 oz of all-purpose flour, 2.5 oz of cornstarch, 12.35 oz of water, and 2 pinches of salt until smooth. Let it rest for at least half an hour, then prepare very thin crepes by cooking them in a non-stick pan greased with a little oil; they should be almost transparent. After that, proceed with the filling as per the recipe!

There are also versions of the filling that include pork or chicken in addition to vegetables.

If you can't find "napa" cabbage, you can use round cabbage, but consider a few extra minutes of cooking time. Savoy cabbage is not suitable because it would become too soft.

For frying: use peanut or sunflower oil.

Instead of rice wine, you can use white cooking wine, keeping in mind that the result might not be the same.

Chef Mulan: authentic tradition

Chef Mulan of Mulan Group, the Zhang family business that has been operating in Chinese gastronomy for more than twenty years: iconic dishes and many delicacies made as they would be at home. This makes them unique: artisanal production that combines the genuineness of a homemade meal and the authenticity of the tradition. The attention dedicated to manual processing is perceived in the natural taste and in the quality of the details. From the method of closing Chinese dumplings, to the meticulous processes of cooking traditional ingredients, everything is made according to the ancient oriental culinary art.

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