Fried Sardines



Fried fish is a dish that knows no seasons, even though it often evokes summer with its sea scent. Squid rings, red mullets, shrimp, small cod... all varieties are perfect! Today we prepare fried sardines, a rich and tasty second course! Sardines are a bluefish with tender meat, and to enhance all their flavor, what you need is a filling with a bold taste: we used capers, garlic, and sun-dried tomatoes, but you can add cheese, olives, pesto, or nuts! Fry the sardines in plenty of oil and serve them still hot to enjoy all their fragrance!

Sardine 2.2 lbs (1 kg)
Eggs 2
Breadcrumbs 1 cup (100 g)
Capers in vinegar 1 spoonful
Garlic 2 cloves
Sun-dried tomatoes in oil 2
Parsley 1 tuft
Fine salt to taste
Lemons 1
Peanut seed oil 4 ¼ cups (1 l) - for frying

How to prepare Fried Sardines

To prepare fried sardines, the first thing you need to do is clean the sardines. By pressing lightly with your fingers, you will be able to remove the head easily 1, and along with the head, you will also easily extract the entrails. Once the head and entrails are removed, just gently open the fish with your fingers, opening them like a book, so you can easily remove the bones as well 2. Rinse the cleaned sardines under running water 3,

drain them and lay them on a paper towel, pat them gently to dry them well 4. At this point, chop the garlic 5, the parsley 6,

the capers 7 and the sun-dried tomatoes 8; pour everything into a bowl and mix 9.

Stuff half of the sardines with the prepared mixture 10, then close them with the remaining ones to prepare them in pairs of two 11, the number of sardines obtained may vary depending on the size. Pour the eggs into a deep plate, lightly salt them and mix them with a fork 12, pour the breadcrumbs into another plate.

First pass the sardines in the egg 13, then in the breadcrumbs 14, when you pass them in the breadcrumbs, press lightly to make it adhere better 15.

Pour the oil into a large pan, heat it, and fry the sardines 16 cooking them for about 2 minutes per side, or until golden. Drain the sardines 17 and lay them on a paper towel, then adjust the salt 18.

Cut the lemon into slices 19 and place it next to the fried sardines 20. Garnish with chopped parsley and serve 21.

How to store

Once cooked, it is recommended to consume the sardines immediately. If you prefer, you can prepare them in advance and store them in the refrigerator for a few hours until frying them.


If you want a more rustic and tasty breading, you can reduce the amount of breadcrumbs and add a bit of aged pecorino cheese, proceeding in the same way.

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