Maltagliati with cuttlefish ragu



Maltagliati with cuttlefish ragù is a tasty first course, based on fresh egg pasta and a delicious seafood sauce with baby cuttlefish!
Maltagliati are a type of egg pasta typical of Emilia Romagna, home to some of the best fresh Italian pastas: the preparation of maltagliati is closely linked to that of tagliatelle. The leftover pasta scraps after making tagliatelle were cut into smaller, irregular pieces, hence the name.
Cuttlefish ragù is an excellent alternative to the classic meat ragù, perfect for the Easter holidays, during the days when religious tradition forbids the consumption of meat: it has nothing to envy from the classic ragout, in taste and flavor!
Maltagliati with cuttlefish ragù is a rich and refined dish: you'll see how delicious it is!


Ingredients for the maltagliati
Eggs 3 - medium
Type 00 flour 2 ½ cups (300 g)
for the cuttlefish ragout
Cuttlefish 1.1 lbs (500 g) - cleaned
Peeled tomatoes 14.1 oz (400 g)
Onions 1 - small
Anchovies in oil 4 fillets
Garlic 2 cloves
Dry white wine 1.7 oz (50 ml)
Thyme 3 sprigs
Parsley 2 spoonfuls - to chop
Extra virgin olive oil 3 spoonfuls
Fine salt to taste
Black pepper to taste

How to prepare Maltagliati with cuttlefish ragu

To make maltagliati with cuttlefish ragù, start by preparing the fresh egg pasta: put the sifted flour in a large bowl 1, make a well in the center and place the three shelled eggs in it 2, then knead with your hands to break the eggs and combine all the ingredients 3.

Turn the dough out onto a floured pastry board and knead it 4 until it becomes smooth and homogeneous (if the dough is too dry, you can add a drop of water), then wrap it in plastic wrap 5 and let it rest in a cool, draft-free place (not in the refrigerator) for about an hour 6 so you can roll it out better later.

While the egg pasta is resting, separate the tentacles from the bodies of the cuttlefish and set them aside; cut the cuttlefish sacs into strips and then into small cubes 7. Also chop the anchovy fillets 8 and set them aside. Finely chop the small onion and let it soften over low heat for about 10-15 minutes in a pan containing the olive oil and the crushed garlic cloves 9.

Add the chopped anchovies as well 10 and let them melt over low heat; finally add the thyme leaves 11. Add the cuttlefish cubes and tentacles to the pan and let them brown for a few minutes 12.

Deglaze the cuttlefish with the white wine 13 and, when it has completely evaporated (about 10 minutes), add the peeled tomatoes 14. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper and let it cook until the tomato has reduced and the cuttlefish are tender 15. Then, before turning off the heat, add the chopped parsley.

Take the egg pasta and roll it out on a floured pastry board, with the help of a rolling pin 16 or with a pasta machine, into a sheet about 1/25 inch thick, which you will flour well 17. Cut the sheet into regular strips with a knife 18.

Layer the strips of pasta obtained and, after dividing them in half, cut them into irregular diamonds 19. Scatter the maltagliati on a floured cloth or on the pastry board without overlapping them 20. Boil the maltagliati in salted boiling water in a large pot 21. Cook them until al dente, then

drain them and add them directly to the pan with the cuttlefish ragout 22; sauté for a minute, mixing well with a wooden spoon 23, and your maltagliati with cuttlefish ragù are ready! Before serving, you can still sprinkle them with fresh parsley 24.

How to store

Store the maltagliati with cuttlefish ragù in the refrigerator, covered with plastic wrap, for up to a couple of days.
You can prepare the ragout the day before and store it in the refrigerator covered.
You can also freeze the raw maltagliati. For freezing, you can proceed by placing the tray with the maltagliati in the freezer to harden for a couple of hours. Once they are well hardened, put them in freezer bags, preferably already portioned, and place them back in the freezer. When you need to use them, boil them directly from frozen in boiling water and proceed as per the recipe.


Do you want to impress your guests with a special effect? Cuttlefish offer it to us on a silver platter: it's the ink (from cuttlefish), which you can find in the best-stocked fish markets! You can use it instead of tomato, dissolving it in a few tablespoons of hot water, or, for a thicker sauce, diluting it in a couple of tablespoons of tomato puree. For a total black effect, add it directly to the fresh pasta!

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