Peach Ice Cream



In front of the ice cream display, there are always those who go for the creamy ones and those who get lost among the myriad fruit flavors. Among the latter, one of the freshest and most delicate is peach ice cream! Choosing the variety of peaches with yellow and juicy flesh, you can make a fantastic creamy and enveloping ice cream at home. A genuine preparation that will let you savor all the taste of this summer and juicy fruit, to be served perhaps with a cascade of fresh peach pieces. Peach ice cream is a real delight for the palate that will transport you to a summer holiday atmosphere!

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Ingredients for about 1.3 lbs of peach ice cream
Yellow peaches 2.5 lbs (500 g)
Sugar 0.67 cup (130 g)
Whole milk 0.3 cup (70 g)
Fresh liquid cream ½ cup (120 g)
for decoration
Yellow peaches 1

How to prepare Peach Ice Cream

To prepare peach ice cream, start by washing and peeling the yellow-fleshed peaches 1. Cut the peaches in half 2 and remove the pit. Then, cut each half into wedges and dice them 3

Transfer the pulp into a blender cup or a tall container, then add the sugar 4, fresh liquid cream, and milk 5. Blend everything with an immersion blender 6

until you get a creamy mixture without lumps (if necessary, you can strain it with a fine-mesh strainer) 7. Transfer the mixture into the ice cream maker 8 and seal with the appropriate lid 9. For the ice cream maker we used, it is not necessary to pre-freeze the bowl. Turn on the ice cream maker and let it run for about 30 minutes.

The result should be a firm but creamy mixture 10. If you don't have an ice cream maker, put the liquid and room-temperature mixture in a freezer-safe bowl, remembering to stir it every half hour until you get the perfect consistency. After the 30 minutes in the ice cream maker, transfer the peach ice cream to a wide and shallow container, preferably glass or steel, and place it in the refrigerator for about 2 hours, covered with plastic wrap. About ten minutes before serving, take your peach ice cream out of the freezer and serve it in bowls 11, perhaps with some fresh peach pieces!

How to store

Store the peach ice cream in the freezer, closed in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

Before serving, it is recommended to leave it at room temperature for about ten minutes.


If you want to combine the fresh taste of peach with a light citrus note, you can add some lemon or lime zest to the mixture before the step in the ice cream maker!


Yellow-fleshed peaches are found in markets from May to September. They are perfect for making ice cream because their flesh is fresh and firm, not at all fibrous, and releases an intense aroma. There are various types belonging to this variety, such as Springcrest peaches, Springbelle, Royal Gem, or Royal Glory.

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