Salmon Cheesecake



If you like to play at surprising in the kitchen, today's recipe is just for you. With these delicious jars of salmon cheesecake, you'll make a great impression with simplicity! The meeting of Nordic flavors, the rich and enveloping texture, and the unexpected freshness of lime make this dish a treat for the most demanding palates. The jar format, with its vintage, urban, and contemporary verve, makes everything more convenient and stylish. The extra chic touch? Many romantic salmon roses, scenic and very easy to make. With a starter like this, dinner starts in great style!

Ingredients for 4 jars of 3-inch in diameter and 2-inch in height
Bread 4.6 oz (130 g) - black
Smoked Salmon 3.5 oz (100 g) - Norwegian
Cow's milk ricotta cheese 3 ½ cups (175 g)
Mascarpone cheese 1 cup (125 g)
Lime peel 1
Marjoram to taste
Fine salt 1 pinch
Black pepper to taste
Butter 3 tbsp (40 g)

How to prepare Salmon Cheesecake

To prepare the salmon cheesecake, start by working on what will be the base of your individual portions: the black bread. Coarsely blend the black bread and add the butter, previously melted over low heat 1. Grate the zest of half a lime into it 2 and mix well to obtain a homogeneous mixture 3.

Distribute the mixture into the 4 jars, pressing it well on the bottom with the back of a spoon 4. Put the jars in the fridge to firm up for about half an hour. Meanwhile, take a bowl and a fine mesh sieve and strain the ricotta to make it creamier 5. Add the mascarpone 6.

and mix well 7. Then take the salmon, cut 4 strips to set aside 8, shred the remaining salmon and add it to the cheese cream 9.

Add the marjoram and mix well 10, then season with salt and pepper 11 and transfer the mixture to a piping bag. Take the jars out of the fridge and distribute the cheese and salmon mixture inside 12.

Level well with the back of a spoon 13, and move on to decorating the jars. Take the 4 strips of salmon you had set aside and roll each one gently to make roses 14. Decorate the jars with the roses, a marjoram leaf, and the remaining grated lime zest. Your salmon cheesecake is ready to be enjoyed!

How to store

The salmon cheesecakes can be stored in the fridge covered for up to 2 days. However, remember to decorate them only at the moment of serving. They can also be frozen if you have used only fresh and not defrosted ingredients.


If you prefer a more pronounced “cheese” flavor, you can replace the mascarpone with fresh creamy cheese!

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