Sautéed Brussels Sprouts



Sautéed Brussels Sprouts

Today we're showing you how to prepare a winter side dish that's easy and tasty: pan-sautéed Brussels sprouts! These small leafy gems hide among the stems and leaves of cabbages, with a globular shape and bright green color; they are mostly cultivated in Northern Europe as they easily adapt to the cold climate. Indeed, these small sprouts release all their quality in January and February, when they reach the size of a walnut and are quite firm and tightly hooded! To enhance the unique taste of this fantastic vegetable, we've sautéed the Brussels sprouts with speck strips, which with its smoky note enriches this side dish and makes it perfect to pair with many meat main courses. Pan-sautéed Brussels sprouts will also be great to enrich a tasty winter spelt salad!

Come discover all our other recipes with Brussels sprouts:

  • Gratin Brussels sprouts
  • Brussels sprouts with gorgonzola and walnuts
  • Brussels sprouts braised with beer
  • Crushed Brussels sprouts in the oven
Brussels sprouts 1.1 lbs (500 g)
Shallot 1
Speck 3.2 oz (90 g) - sliced
Vegetable broth 1 cup (250 g)
Fine salt to taste
Black pepper to taste
Extra virgin olive oil to taste

How to prepare Sautéed Brussels Sprouts

To prepare the pan-sautéed Brussels sprouts first finely chop the shallot 1 and set it aside 2. Now clean the Brussels sprouts: first cut the base with a knife 3.

Also remove the outer leaves, which appear wilted 4 and wash them well 5. Then halve the Brussels sprouts with a knife 6.

Transfer them to a bowl and set aside 7. Move on to the speck: stack the slices on top of each other, divide them in half lengthwise and then cut into strips 8. In a pan, heat a drizzle of oil and when it's hot, add the shallot 9. Let it cook gently for a couple of minutes, without letting it brown too much.

Add the Brussels sprouts, placing them with the cut side down on the pan 10. Sauté for 5 minutes, then salt 11, pepper, and toss the Brussels sprouts. Now add the speck strips 12.

Toss everything together for another 3 minutes 13, then pour in the hot broth 14 and cover with a lid 15.

Cook for another 6 minutes, then check that the sauce is not too brothy, otherwise remove the lid, raise the flame, and cook until it has reduced. The Brussels sprouts are ready, transfer them to a plate, add a grind of black pepper 17 and serve 18.


You can store the Brussels sprouts in the fridge for up to 2 days in an airtight container; alternatively, they can be frozen.


It's important to use a large pan to achieve optimal sautéing, the Brussels sprouts must be spaced sufficiently apart, but not too much to prevent the oil from burning.

Instead of speck, other cured meats like prosciutto or pancetta can be used. If you prefer a vegetarian version, you can omit it.

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