Slow roasted pork loin with orange sauce



Juicy, sweet but slightly sour, yellow like the sun… among the most loved products of the Italian territory - especially Sicily, where the red variety also comes from - there are certainly oranges, fruits with which many recipes can be prepared both sweet and savory. The recipe for slow roasted pork loin with orange sauce, for example, offers a particularly successful combination: the natural flavor of pork loin marries perfectly with the sweetness and sourness of oranges and with the aromatic note of rosemary. A roast that you can cook in the slow cooker pot to make the meat juicier and more tender, thanks to slow cooking (7 hours) at a low temperature. Then you just need to briefly thicken the cooking juices on the stove to obtain a glossy and tasty sauce. The perfect recipe to impress your guests on a special occasion!

Check out these recipes with pork loin:


Pork loin 2.2 lbs (1 kg)
Oranges 2
Rosemary 1 sprig
Dijon mustard 1 tsp
Butter 4 tsp - unsalted
Extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsp
White wine ½ glass - at room temperature
Pink peppercorn a few
Cornstarch 2 tsp
Salt 2 tsp

How to prepare Slow roasted pork loin with orange sauce

Before cooking the slow roasted pork loin with orange sauce it is a good idea to marinate the loin for a couple of hours, to obtain a tastier roast. Squeeze the juice of two oranges and filter it through a sieve to remove any pulp and seeds. You should get about 2/3 cup (160 ml) of orange juice.

Place the pork loin in a large bowl. Add the juice of the two oranges, a teaspoon of Dijon mustard, the sprig of rosemary and 5 or 6 pink peppercorns. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave it to marinate in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After 2 hours, remove the meat from the bowl (without throwing away the marinade liquid) and dry it with paper towels; salt it carefully on all sides.

In a non-stick pan, heat the butter and oil over medium heat. When hot, place the loin in the pan and brown it over low heat, turning it on all sides to seal it. Meanwhile, preheat the slow cooker.

When it is browned on all sides, raise the heat and blend the pork loin with half a glass of white wine at room temperature; let the alcoholic part evaporate for 30-40 seconds, then turn off the heat.

Place the meat in the slow cooker pot, along with all its cooking liquid. Pour all the marinade (including the pink peppercorns and the sprig of rosemary) over the meat and cover the slow cooker with its lid.

Cook the slow roasted pork loin with orange sauce on low mode for 7 hours without ever opening the lid. At the end of cooking, turn off the slow cooker, remove the meat and let it rest on a cutting board for about 15 minutes before cutting it.

In the meantime, take care of the orange sauce: filter the cooking juices through a strainer. Put 3 or 4 tablespoons of it in a small bowl and add the cornstarch. Mix vigorously with a teaspoon until you obtain a homogeneous and lump-free mixture.

Put the rest of the orange sauce in a saucepan over low heat. When it starts to boil, add the sauce in which you dissolved the cornstarch and mix immediately. Continue to cook the orange sauce for about a couple of minutes, until the mixture is thick and glossy.

Slice the pork loin roast with a sharp knife and serve it drizzled with plenty of orange sauce.

How to store

You can store the pork loin with orange sauce for about 3 days in the fridge. You can then heat the meat in the microwave or quickly in the oven. Heat the sauce on the stove in a saucepan.


If you want to bake the pork loin with orange sauce in the oven, you will need more orange juice: about a cup and a half (350 ml). After blending the meat with the white wine, transfer everything to a baking tray. Drizzle the pork loin with the marinade liquid and cook in a preheated oven at 356°F (180°C) for 1 hour, turning it over after 30 minutes and basting it two or three times with its sauce.

You can serve the pork loin with orange sauce with a potato-based side dish: in Italy the most classic side dish for roasts is roasted potatoes, but this dish also goes well with lemon potatoes or smashed potatoes.

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