Stuffed pumpkin



How many ways can a pumpkin be cooked? Its orange color and sweet pulp make it unique, which is why it stars in so many delicious autumn recipes: starters, first and second courses and desserts too: there is a special recipe for every part of your meal. Pumpkin gnocchi, for lovers of home tradition, delicious balls for enriching a buffet with evening drinks, refined braised pumpkin, perfect for Sunday lunch, and lastly, soft and subtly rustic pumpkin cake, reminiscent of grandma's desserts. The list is long, tantalizing and now also includes delicious and scenographic stuffed pumpkin, because looks aren't everything, but they certainly help. Not only is this side dish rich and filling, it is genuine too, which proves how flavor can be added in a healthy and nourishing way.

Butternut squash 2 lbs ( kg)
Datterino tomatoes 5 oz (150 g)
Precooked chickpeas 4.5 oz (125 g) - drained
Precooked Cannellini beans 4.5 oz (125 g) - drained
Leeks 2 oz (70 g)
Whole peeled hazelnuts 5 tbsp (50 g)
Black olives 3 tbsp (30 g) - pitted
Garlic 2 cloves
Extra virgin olive oil 3 tbsp (40 g)
Thyme 4 sprigs
Rosemary 4 sprigs
Oregano to taste - fresh
Fine salt to taste
Black pepper to taste

How to prepare Stuffed pumpkin

To prepare stuffed pumpkin, start by tipping 1 the pumpkin, cutting it in half lengthwise 2 and scooping the seeds and filaments out with a spoon 3.

Use a fruit scooper (or a teaspoon) to remove the pumpkin pulp (4-5) and place 7 oz of it in a bowl. Place the pumpkin on a tray lined with parchment paper, add the peeled and halved garlic cloves, the sprigs of rosemary and thyme 6

and season with 0.1 cups of oil 7. Bake both halves of the emptied and seasoned pumpkin in a static oven preheated to 355°F (180°C) for 20 minutes. In the meantime, mince the pumpkin pulp left to one side 8 and place it in a bowl; drain the precooked chickpeas and beans 9

and add them to the pumpkin in the bowl 10. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into four pieces 11; thinly slice the olives 12

and the leek 13. Lastly, coarsely chop the hazelnuts 14. Add the tomatoes to the filling 15,

along with the olives 16, the leeks and the hazelnuts 17; add salt, pepper and season with fresh oregano 18.

By now the pumpkin will be done: remove it from the oven 19 and fill with the previously prepared stuffing 20. Bake once more in the oven at 190°F (87°C) for around 20 minutes. Once baked, remove the stuffed pumpkin from the oven 21, leave it to cool and serve warm.


Stuffed pumpkin can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Freezing is not recommended.


For an even more delicious result, add scamorza cheese, previously sautéed sausage or bread croûtons toasted in oil and peperoncino. Bake any leftover pumpkin pulp in the oven, or sauté with paprika, salt and rosemary.

Interesting facts

Violin pumpkin is a rough skinned variety with an elongated shape, similar to the musical instrument that inspired its name. Its firm and compact pulp is pleasantly sweet, with hints of hazelnut, making it perfect for numerous preparations: it is excellent baked in the oven, but also ideal for making tortelli, risotto and delicate pureed soups.

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