Tomato passata



Tomato passata

Tomato passata is one of the traditional home-made preserves. It is among those prepared, together with peeled tomatoes, especially in the southern regions, where its wide daily use has made it the queen of preserves, made even more special by its unmistakable Mediterranean flavor. Preparing the tomato passata is very simple, there are actually different ways to make it as well as different types of tomatoes you can use. We show you our method, one of the simplest and most classic to obtain a perfect, velvety and sweet preserves for your sauces and passata-based preparations. A fabulous sauce, able to preserve all the flavor of tomatoes as if they were just picked. And if you've always wondered how to make tomato passata at home, from today there will be no more secrets!

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Ingredients for 3 cups (750 g) of passata
San Marzano tomatoes 4.5 lbs (2 kg)
Basil to taste
Fine salt to taste

How to prepare Tomato passata

To prepare tomato passata, start by checking the tomatoes one by one, making sure they are not damaged, with spots. Wash them very well 1 and remove the stalks. Cut each tomato in half, lengthwise 2 and remove the central part with the seeds by squeezing them 3. This operation serves to make the passata full-bodied, but if you prepare the passata in large quantity you can omit this step and keep the seeds.

Continue in this way by collecting the tomatoes in a bowl and the juice in another 4. Read our tips for many ideas on how to reuse itthe pulp with seeds! Now place the tomatoes in a large pot 5 and let them dry over low heat for about 30 minutes, turning them from time to time 6.

When the tomatoes are well wilted 7, add salt 8. Stir and wait a few more moments. Now pass mesh with a mill (place the setting between fine and medium) few tomatoes at a time 9.

Continue in this way 10, collecting the passata in a bowl 11. Yout passata is ready 12, you can choose whether to keep it or use it immediately!


If you prefer to make jars to keep in the pantry, here's how:

- use sterilized jars, or sterilize them by boiling them as indicated by the ministry of health.

-Fill the jars with the hot tomato passata, leaving about 1 inch space (2-3 cm) at the top. If you prefer, you can add some well-washed basil leaves.

- Close the jars well.

-Put them in a pot with hot water and let them boil.

If you use 1/2 lb (250 g) jars, 30 minutes will suffice.

If you use 1 lb (500 g) jars, count 35 minutes from the boil.

If you use 2 lbs (1 kg) jars, count 40 minutes from boiling.

-Drain the jars without burning yourself and let them cool. Make sure that the vacuum has occurred before storing them in the pantry.


There is also another method for bottling the cold passata

You can fill the sterilized jars with the cold puree. Then put them in a pot with water and bring to a boil. Once you have reached the boil you can refer to the same times indicated above.


The tomato passata can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Alternatively, it can be frozen.

If you opt for the pasteurization method, you can keep the jars in the pantry for up to 3 months.

We prefer not to indicate a longer storage, as pasteurization at home is never 100% a safe method.


You can use the leftover tomato water to wet the freselle or bruschetta.

To prepare the tomato passata, buy good tomatoes, firm, well red and ripe; the best time to buy them is July-August.

You can choose from many varieties of tomatoes: coppery, cluster, round or datterini, prunill.

If you want to obtain a thicker passata, let it thicken on the fire until it reaches the desired density, before using it or proceed with pasteurization.


The home preparation of preserves and jams can present health risks. In a domestic environment, it is not possible to create the necessary conditions and measures to guarantee the safety and suitability of food, which, on the contrary, industrial procedures are able to ensure in order to prevent dangerous contamination. It is therefore important to scrupulously follow food safety instructions to reduce risks, but one must always bear in mind that one can never achieve the same food safety as professionally produced preserves and jams. For the correct preparation of home-made preserves, we refer to the Italian Ministry of Health guidelines

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