Two-Tone Granita with Faux Ice Cream



Umbrella, deck chair, and granita in hand. Here is the magical summer scene in which surely many of you best identify during the beautiful season. And speaking of granitas, the real big problem is choosing the flavor! We go from the classics strawberries or lemon to the great Sicilian classics like almond or coffee and cream. Let's face it, choosing is a real dilemma, and surely as children (maybe some still do it now) we asked with sweet eyes if we could add another flavor. Don't feel guilty, we offer you a nice glass of two-tone granita with faux ice cream! Yes, two flavors, clearly screaming summer just by naming them, melon & watermelon, the same ones we used to make a refreshing daiquiri or a playful Rubik's cube!
With the two-tone granita with faux ice cream, we decided to go big! Holidays, carefreeness, and joy that characterize summer come only once, so what's wrong with indulging a little?
If you're curious, then let's get started right away!


Watermelon 3 ½ cups (400 g) - pulp
Cantaloupe 14.1 oz (400 g) - flesh
Sugar 1 ¼ cup (240 g)
Cornstarch 1 tsp
Lemon juice 4 tbsp (60 g)
Water 4 ¼ cups (1 l)
For the faux ice cream
Mascarpone cheese 1.3 cups (300 g)
White chocolate 7 oz (200 g)
Fresh liquid cream ¼ cup (50 g)
Vanilla bean 1
Fine salt 1 pinch
For the coulis
Watermelon ½ cup (100 g) - pulp
Powdered sugar 0.4 cup (50 g)
Lemon juice 2 tbsp (30 g)

How to prepare Two-Tone Granita with Faux Ice Cream

To prepare the two-tone granita with faux ice cream, start by preparing the water and sugar syrup by pouring both into a saucepan 1. Let it come just to a boil while stirring, so the sugar dissolves 2. Then turn off and let cool 3.

While the syrup is cooling, put the watermelon pulp pieces in the blender along with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice 4, half of the warm syrup 5, and blend until smooth 6.

Strain everything through a sieve to remove any seeds 7 and pour it into a shallow, wide dish 8. Now do the same process for the melon. Put it in pieces in the mixer along with the lemon juice and the other half of the syrup 9,

blend, you can skip straining this time, and pour into another shallow, wide dish 10. Place both in the freezer for about an hour 11. After this time, take the dishes out and scrape the ice with a fork 12,

place back in the freezer for 4 hours 13 and repeat the scraping every 30 minutes 14. Meanwhile, prepare the faux ice cream. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add the seeds from half a vanilla pod 15,

and a pinch of salt 16. Let it come just to a boil and meanwhile chop the white chocolate 17. At this point, the cream should be at temperature, turn off the heat and add the chocolate 18,

stir well until completely melted, obtaining a sauce 19. Now add the mascarpone 20 and mix well. Transfer to a container 21,

cover with plastic wrap 22 and leave to set in the refrigerator for an hour 23. Finally, prepare the coulis. Blend the watermelon pulp 24,

strain again 25 and pour the juice into a saucepan along with the powdered sugar 26. In a small bowl, dissolve the cornstarch with the lemon juice 27

and add this mixture to the saucepan 28. Turn on the heat and let the sauce thicken by stirring with a whisk, in a few minutes the sauce will be ready 29. When everything is ready, you can start assembling. Scrape the portions of granita 30

and pour them into glasses alternating the two flavors 31, then the faux ice cream 32 and finish with the coulis. Your two-tone granita with faux ice cream is ready, serve immediately 33.

How to store

Once the two-tone granita with faux ice cream is ready, it is recommended to consume it immediately.

Alternatively, the two granitas, preferably not assembled, can be stored in the freezer for about 1 month.

The faux ice cream, however, is best stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days at most.

The coulis can be stored in the fridge for 1 day, but it is better to prepare it when needed.


Be sure to add a bit of crunchiness to your two-tone granita with faux ice cream, how about a nice ice cream wafer? Or perhaps a little melted chocolate, directly on the ice cream!

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