Veal scalloppini with white wine and parsley



Veal scalloppini with white wine and parsley

There are a lot of recipes that are part of personal easy dinner cookbooks! They start from the classic spaghetti with garlic, oil and chili peppers up to frittatas or  farmer's eggs, so as to have both the first and second courses in less than forty minutes. Even a meat dish can be quick and tasty at the same time, like scaloppini: quick and succulent slices of meat to be topped as you would like. In this recipe we offer white wine and parsley scalloppini, a Milanese dish. The wine, with a vaguely acidic touch, improves the taste of the meat and also allows you to obtain a delicious and creamy sauce. Parsley, on the other hand, in Milanese dialect "erborin", is an ideal ingredient because it will render the meat fresh and delicious. We bet you will be really surprised by this easy and fast main course! If you still have a few minutes to dedicate to cooking, add some quick and very fresh cheesecake to your menu!

Veal 12.5 oz (350 g) - (8 slices)
Parsley 2 tsp (10 g)
Butter 1 cup (80 g)
Type 00 flour to taste
Dry white wine ¾ cup (100 g)
Vegetable broth 0.65 cup (70 g)
Fine salt to taste
Black pepper to taste

How to prepare Veal scalloppini with white wine and parsley

To prepare the white wine and parsley scalloppini, prepare the vegetable broth and keep it warm. Clean the parsley, remove the leaves 1, then finely chop it and set it aside 2. Cut 8 slices from the piece of meat 3,

moisten them with very little water 4 and start beating them with a meat tenderizer. Proceed by squeezing and stretching: the meat will thin without tearing 5. At this point, melt the butter over medium-high heat in a sufficiently large pan 6,

when the bottom is hot and the butter is melted, quickly flour the slices of meat 7 and place them in the pan. Let them brown for a few moments on one side and then on the other, turn with tongs 8. Then blend with the white wine and let the alcohol evaporate 9.

When the broth has evaporated, add a pinch of salt and pepper and let the seasoning sink in for a couple of minutes over medium heat 10. Gently jiggle and shake the pan and then turn the slices. Turn off the heat, flavor with the previously chopped parsley 11 and your white wine and parsley scalloppini are ready. Enjoy your meal 12!


It is not recommended to keep the white wine and parsley scalloppini once cooked, the meat will darken and harden. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can keep them in the fridge for a couple of days, covering them with sauce and plastic wrap.
Freezing is not recommended.


Instead of butter you can use a mix of half butter and half oil, or just oil to cook your scalloppini with white wine and parsley.

For a gluten-free version, use corn starch or rice to batter the meat.
Instead of vegetable broth, you can use water, but clearly the meat will be a little less tasty.

Finally, if you have a lot of scalloppini to prepare, we recommend using  two pans. In the first sear the meat and in the second cook the meat with the wine and broth.

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