Rustic Polenta Crostini



With polenta, you can create many delicious dishes, from the more classic ones like polenta with sausage to the more unique ones like rustic polenta crostini, perfect for the New Year's Eve menu or as a Christmas appetizer. Preparing them is very simple and they are also a tasty idea to use leftover polenta. By letting the polenta set in the mold, it will compact, making it easy to cut... creating these thick slices and grilling them on a griddle will be just like making real crostini. Once ready, all you have to do is get creative with the toppings; you can use cold cuts, cheese, vegetables, and whatever you love, letting your imagination run wild. Today we offer you three tasty ideas to enhance these crostini, use them as inspiration to find your favorite version!

Here are other polenta recipes to try:


for 12 polenta crostini
Instant Polenta 1 ¼ cup (250 g)
Water 4 ¼ cups (1 l)
Extra virgin olive oil 1 spoonful
Fine salt to taste
for crostini with sausage and stracchino
Salamella sausage to taste
Stracchino cheese to taste
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
for crostini with black cabbage
Italian kale (cavolo nero) to taste
Champignon mushrooms to taste
Toma cheese to taste
Hazelnuts to taste
Butter to taste
Garlic 2 cloves
Thyme to taste
Fine salt to taste
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
for crostini with spinach
Spinach to taste - new
Roquefort to taste
Pomegranate to taste
Garlic 1 clove
Fine salt to taste
Extra virgin olive oil to taste

How to prepare Rustic Polenta Crostini

To prepare rustic polenta crostini, bring 1 quart of water to a boil in a pot, add salt 1, a tablespoon of oil, and stir 2. Gradually add the instant polenta 3.

Stir well with a whisk to avoid lumps 4, continuing until the polenta reaches the desired consistency 5. Pour it into a lightly oiled 10x5 inch loaf pan 6.

Level the surface 7 and let the polenta set for at least an hour at room temperature. In the meantime, prepare the toppings for the crostini. Cut the sausage in half lengthwise with a knife 8. Heat a drizzle of oil in a pan. Place the sausages in it 9.

Turn them 10 and cook until they are well browned 11. Sauté the kale leaves with a clove of garlic, ensuring they remain crispy. In the same pan, cook the quartered mushrooms with a pat of butter, a clove of garlic, and thyme 12.

Also cook the spinach for 2-3 minutes, sautéing them with a clove of garlic 13. Turn the polenta out onto a cutting board 14 and cut out 12 slices, each about 3/4 inch thick 15.

Brush the polenta slices with oil 16. If you prefer, you can trim them first, then place them on a well-heated, pre-oiled griddle 17. Let them toast without turning for 2-3 minutes until they are well browned, then turn them and toast the other side 18

Now you can top the crostini. Some with pieces of sausage, dollops of stracchino cheese, and black pepper 19. Others with spinach 20, pomegranate seeds, and crumbled Roquefort cheese 21.

For the last ones, place mushrooms at the base 22, cover with kale, add shaved Toma cheese using a vegetable peeler 23, and finish with toasted hazelnuts. The rustic polenta crostini are ready to serve 24.


Consume the rustic polenta crostini as soon as they are made.
You can store the polenta in the loaf pan in the refrigerator for one day.


Polenta can rest at room temperature for an hour. But if it is too warm, or if you want to prepare it in advance, we recommend storing it in the refrigerator.

You can use any type of polenta you prefer.

Looking for other combinations? Try fontina and speck, or crumbled sausage cooked and deglazed with red wine!

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