Sweet and savory crepes (Basic recipe)



Sweet and savory crepes (Basic recipe)

Discover the versatile world of crepes: perfect for everyone, anytime! Whether you're a busy parent whipping up a snack for kids, a student needing a quick break, or a fast food enthusiast seeking originality, crepes are the ideal choice. This simple batter is incredibly adaptable for both sweet and savory delights. Indulge in the classic Nutella-filled crepes or explore the savory richness of mushroom gorgonzola crepes and Ham, brie and walnut crepes. Learn the essential tips for crafting both sweet and savory crepes with ease. Plus, find out the surprisingly simple ways to store them for later enjoyment. Dive into the crepe-making adventure and don't forget to share your favorite creations with us!

Ingredients for 8 eight-inch diameter crepes
Eggs 3 - medium
Type 00 flour 2 cups (250 g)
Whole milk 2 cups (500 ml)
Butter to taste - to grease the crepe pan

How to prepare Sweet and savory crepes (Basic recipe)

To prepare the sweet and savory crepes, start by breaking the eggs into a high-sided bowl 1, stir with a fork and add the milk 2. Mix thoroughly to mix these two ingredients 3.

Place a strainer on the bowl and sieve the flour into the bowl 4, (for convenience you can also add it in two steps, mixing to avoid lumps). Whisk vigorously to blend in the flour 5. Continue stirring until the mixture is homogeneous, smooth and lump-free 6.

Next, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. This step is important to eliminate any lumps 7. After this time, mix the batter 8, butter a crepe pan (or a non-stick 8-inch (20 cm) pan) and heat it. Once it has reached the desired temperature, pour a ladle of batter in the skillet, enough to cover the bottom: you can use a special crepe batter spreader or rotate the pan until the mixture is evenly distributed (be careful not to spread it all over the sides to avoid having not enough batter in the center to create a crepe with an even surface); for best results, work quickly, as the batter will harden very fast. 9

After about 1 minute over medium-low heat, you will notice a slight browning, the edges will tend to curl up and you can turn the first crepe using a spatula 10. Cook the other side for about 1 minute, waiting for it to turn a golden color 11. Once the first crepe is cooked, transfer it to a serving dish or chopping board. Repeat these steps until you use up the batter. You should get 8 eight-inch (20 cm) crepes: stack them up so they stay soft. Here are your sweet and savory crepes ready to be filled 12!


Enhance the flavor of your crepe batter by allowing it to rest in the fridge for up to 12 hours, securely covered with plastic wrap. This resting period helps the flavors meld together, resulting in even tastier crepes.

For added convenience, both sweet and savory crepes can be frozen after cooling. Simply stack them with a sheet of baking paper between each crepe to prevent sticking, and then wrap the stack securely in plastic wrap. When you're ready to enjoy them, just thaw and fill with your favorite ingredients.

If you have leftover crepes, they can be stored individually in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Make sure to cover them with plastic wrap to keep them moist and prevent drying out. This way, you can enjoy fresh-tasting crepes at any time.


The basic crepe batter is designed to be versatile, omitting salt and sugar to maintain a neutral flavor profile, suitable for both sweet and savory fillings. However, if desired, you can add a pinch of salt to enhance the taste, particularly for savory crepes. Keep in mind that without sugar, this batter naturally cooks up lighter in color, remaining quite pale compared to sweetened versions.

Interesting fact

The origins of crepes are shrouded in mystery, but many believe they were inspired by the Italian crespelle. According to historical anecdotes, it was Pope Gelasius I in the 5th century who commissioned a large batch of crespelle to feed French pilgrims visiting Rome. These early versions, often described as 'enriched omelettes,' quickly gained popularity. Once the concept reached France, it evolved into what we now know as crepes. From there, the crepe's journey into culinary fame is well-documented history!

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